Updates & Adventures

This space is for musings on the writing process, epic art fails (and successes!), news about upcoming publications or art shows, and pics of my adventures. Anyone who knows me knows that my explanation for just about everything in life is, "I have a lot of weird hobbies!" I'm pretty sure that will appear on my gravestone (as a result of said hobbies, probably). In fact, let's solidify that here.
My epitaph shall be: "Here lies Jenn Pocock. She had a lot of weird hobbies. One or more killed her."

(Just kidding. I'm going to be recycled into a tree. I'll find a way to try new things as I spread my branches.)
No matter what, I'll show off some of the wild and crazy things I get into.

Dumb Ways to Dye
2023-05-26 ...SO MANY dumb ways to dye!     Seriously, though. If ...
I Know You VAR
2023-05-23 ...But What am I Doing?   What happens when you go to a ...